
hello it's Jebe again....
Sometimes mom doesn't know if her girl is pregnant. Let me tell you how to make sure if your girl is pregnant. First, they ate alot, alot lot lot of veggies, pellets, grass etc. They eat 24hours non-stop, just like a human when they're pregnant they'll eat more than usual. Next, you can check her belly, you can check it only if her pregnancy is already more than 12 days. Only mom who can use this technic, mom should put their thumb under the girl's belly, touch it gently, if you felt some bulge like marbels that means your girl is pregnant but sometimes the bulge can be deceive, it could be her poop so be careful with false sign. But  teh truth it our mom said she doesn't feel anything, she didn't felt the bulge or maybe she just simply can't use this touchgirl's belly-technic *sigh* if you experience the same thing like our mom, maybe you just need to wait until the girl's fur fall out cause that means she really pregnant and the time is getting closer. The girl will delivery their litters after 32-35 days of her pregnancy, the falled out fur are the sign for you to build nesting box for the girl and her litters. The nesting box mom used for Tuki was a wooden box, that box must sealed on all sides except the front for the entrance. The box must sealed so the babies not getting chilled by the wind and in their nature they nursing their babies under ground, a sealed box made them feel insecure same like in underground.

I'll show you some picture of nesting box that i made.
what's a cat doing inside a nesting box??
This one is the right picture :)
Tuki inside her nesting box


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