
Cats says~ meow meow~ Dogs says~ woof woof~ Rabbits says~ .......... Yup, that's right they didn't make any sounds. But actually they did when they hurt or when they were mating. I have heard Jebe make snoring sound when he was mating. Rabbits communicating with others use gestures (i read that on internet). The most gesture they do are chinning. It's meant for marking their teritory, Jebe do that always whenever he got out from cage he start wandering around and rubbing his chin to anything, like woods, cage, chair even his own poop. Just like cats, they do that kind of things too right? eventhough they do that with their urine not their chin. Beside chinning I remember some of gestures meaning, like stomping their back feet, Jebe do that alot when he is angry or scared, or it can means that he gave us warning and usually he do that at night so i got to get out and pat him so he won't scared anymore. But nowadays Jebe and Tuki became quiet naughty, they start breaking out from their cages, the strength of their push are reamrkable. I don't want they're hurting themselves so i blocked their door with rocks, big and heavy rocks. Sometimes it works and sometimes it don't, depends on their amount of desire to got out. I sometime yelled at them and after that i always feel horrible, we shouldn't yelling at them cause it just makes things worse. Be patient and gentle, then the rabbits will always trying to understand you.


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