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Farewell Kookie :')

Thursday 27th Kookie is my grandchild, remember? She was the one who had disabled legs. I gave her bathe cause her back side of her body was dirty. She can't cleaned herself on her own so i have to bathe her once every two weeks. I bathe her at noon, i dried her up, let her crawling around on terrace and put her back in her cage on afternoon. She was fine ,she drank a lot cause tired from playing. But that night when i fed her, she looked so limp, she even barely chewed the veggies. I was so worried, i forced her to chewed and after that she stood up. I gave her a vitamin with injection. Then i went to bed. Friday 28th 5 am I woke up and went to see how she was. She was laying down, she tried to moved her legs and her body but she still couldn't stand up. She started to panicked and screamed. I cried, i don't know what to do, i browsed the internet and found the exact symptoms. She suffered head tilt. It was an ear disease, i should have brought her to the vet but at

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rabbit with broken legs


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BLASTY (turtle)